I'm sick of just sitting around.
I'm don't want to be that guy who just keeps on whining.
I'm actually gonna do something about it.
I will start. I will keep doing it. I will continue doing it.
Slowly but surely, I'll get there.
It's about time I made some actions. I could keep dreaming. No, wait. I will keep dreaming. As I continue with my journey, I will keep dreaming. I will learn everyday. I may fall, but I won't give up. I will make it. I will succeed. I will wake up each day with something to look forward to. I won't be the same person. I will make it because I know I can make it.
To the people who will help me in the way, Thank you. God Bless you.
To the people who will try to break me down, Thank you. You are there to test me. Just be sure that you know who you're dealing with.
Yes, I've been lonely. It's been kinda grim, to tell you the truth. Uncertainties have been lurking along the way, making me question my sanity.
Judge me. Hate me. I don't care. Go ahead. Step on me. Push me to the egde. I'll be ready.