

Secret... Part two...

Here we go again...

I feel that something's up...


But (I know...) it's none of my business...

...still I want to know why because I feel involved...

...but not really.

There ARE hints... questions that are bugging me...

But I'll just bite my lip, regretting that I may say someting wrong... something that may ruin our relationship.

Yet that something could be nothing at all...

...or that nothing that's really something.


I don't want them to lay their cards on the table, but I just wish that they would come to their senses AND JUST TELL US THE TRUTH...


I killed my ex... because that's how I roll.

Pick the month you were born in

1 - I ran over
2 - I killed
3 - I needed
4 - I raped
5 - I killed
6 - I cuddled with
7 - I ran naked with
8 - I slept with
9 - I stabbed
10 - I licked
11 - I banged
12 - I smoked

Pick the day (number) you were born on

01 - your grandma
02 - the Kool-Aid man
03 - a horse
04 - a pornstar
05 - your mom
06 - you
07 - a bag of weed
08 - a prostitute
09 - a toothbrush
10 - a jew
11 - a homo
12 - the trojan man
13 - Paris Hilton
14 - a whore
15 - a cat
16 - a pickle
17 - a mexican
18 - a bisexual
19 - a dog
20 - an orange
21 - a crackhead
22 - a bowl of cereal
23 - a easter egg
24 - my ex
25 - a condom
26 - a jar of honey
27 - a lesbian
28 - a homeless guy
29 - a french fry
30 - your dealer
31 - a stripper

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing

White - because thats how I roll.
Black - because I'm sexy.
Pink - because the lil people told me to.
Red - because I have AMAZING boobs.
Blue - because I'm cool like that.
Polka Dots - because I hate my life.
Purple - because I'm gay.
Gray - because I love marijuana.
Orange - because I have double D's.
Green - because I'm beautiful.
Other - because I smoke crack.
Turqoise - because I have a noodle in my nose.
Brown - because I had to.
Shirtless - because I've got abs.

What's yours?


vacation is near...

what are your plans?


TO ME: How's life?

It's been quite fine. New turning points in my life.

Work. Call Center. Should I take a whack at it?

          I'm planning to undergo training because... I want to.

Singles For Christ. Bowling Tournament - February to March

          One more week and we'll know who wins. It's been quite a blast.

Friends. I'll miss them.

          Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful for them. And I promise we won't drift apart.

Mangoes. Sour.

          I'm waiting for them to ripen.

CD'S. Chicosci, Bamboo, Andy McKee, Julianne

          Watch out for reviews...

Grocery Shopping. Re-stocking for the week.

          I ran out of cocoa. Bummer.

Bodybuilding. Ouch.

          Yet... Yeah.

Sex. None.


Music. Forever.

          Enough said.
          Collaborations? Yipee!

Subscriptions. Readers' Digest and TIME.

          Comes with free telescope, pouch bag and travel case.

Studies. One more year.


Love. What?


Mom. Death anniversary.

          First one. Been a year... *sigh*

Doubts. Aside.

          Faith. In front.

Tell me what you feel...